Calling Dr. Translation, Calling Dr. Translation . . .

Nina Schuyler’s newly-published book, The Translator , is garnering universally good reviews (  It looks like a book well worth reading, especially here in our office at Apex Translation Services. There is a phenomenon called  Foreign Accent Syndrome, which gained towering interest some fifty-odd years ago.  Remember Virginia Tighe?  Tighe, a twentieth century American, whose hypnotic  transformation to a nineteenth century Irishwoman named  Bridey [...]

Apex Translations Salutes the Attitude of the Platitiude

We at Apex Translation Services keep our eyes on language simply because it is a living entity.  Expressions in English used four hundred or even two hundred years ago sound unfamiliar to our ears, and we're not quite sure of their meaning.  It is then, we head to our relations who number their advanced years in wisdom or advice attained (and who admittedly have [...]

Some Thoughts on Language in America on this Independence Day, 2013

Recently, I attended a party this summer, and the conversation quickly turned to world travel, and the ensuing stories many of the guests told were about unfamiliar pronunciations, faulty comprehension, and the natural insecurities of traveling overseas or abroad without the certain knowledge of the native language. As it happened, I quickly added, “The United States never had an official federal language.  Still doesn’t.” [...]

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