Calling Dr. Translation, Calling Dr. Translation . . .

Nina Schuyler’s newly-published book, The Translator , is garnering universally good reviews (  It looks like a book well worth reading, especially here in our office at Apex Translation Services. There is a phenomenon called  Foreign Accent Syndrome, which gained towering interest some fifty-odd years ago.  Remember Virginia Tighe?  Tighe, a twentieth century American, whose hypnotic  transformation to a nineteenth century Irishwoman named  Bridey [...]

Importance of Medical Translation Services

You may be surprised to find just how important medical translation services are. Whether the product documentation needs to be translated into different languages for medical imaging devices, lab equipment, etc., it’s imperative that it has been accurately translated. The same is level of quality is required for patient data, medical records, insurance documents, as well as documentation for physician management or healthcare information systems. [...]

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