How Can I Spell It Correctly if I Hear It Incorrectly?

Take absorb and absorption.  It's a b or p thing, and which is it?   In fast conversation, who pronounces it correctly? That leads to proNOUNce and proNUNciation themselves.  And once and for all, there is no such word as theirselves, and one hears it every day.  Finally, NO theirselves. How about nickel vs. fickle?  Harass vs. embarrass? The correct pronunciation of February?  Forget the [...]

A Typical Day at Apex Translations via E-mail

Client:  Good Morning.  I need the attached manual translated into French. Apex Translations:  Good Morning. Certainly. Client:  Right now, it's in English, but we need it in French for our French-speaking workers. Apex Translations: Of course, Sir. Are your workers in France, Algeria, Andorra, Belgium, Benin, Burkina Faso, Burundi, Cameroon, Canada (Quebec), Central African Republic, Chad, Comoros, Congo, Democratic Republic of the Congo,   [...]

Medical Translations for Immigrants

People who come to a new country to make a better life for themselves should not be burdened by the inability to understand vital medical information they need to make informed decisions about their health.   Although they might be able to find someone to help them understand documents written in a foreign language, this matter might add additional stress to their situation, and, sadly, the [...]

Can You Benefit From Translation Services?

Since the Internet now allows us to communicate with people who speak almost every language, any business owner would be hard-pressed to decide that he/she has no need for professional translation services. Of course, some businesses take a different route and put the burden on the customer. This often leads to the customers becoming frustrated and finding any source whatsoever.  This action could result [...]

Are Your Website And Corporate Literature Localized For The International Market?

Websites are often designed to target the country in which the business, institution, or organization is located. However, the Internet is a worldwide service and it is therefore also important to make your website accessible to audiences in other countries. If you decide to do so, your sales collateral, marketing literature, brochures, pamphlets, etc., also need to be localized. Changes are, these document were [...]

Is Your Business Prepared To Operate in Foreign Countries?

Any time you do business with any sort of entity overseas it may be important that your legal documents are properly translated. Our legal translation services are comprised of professionals who will translate your legal business documents correctly. When it comes to legal document translation, there is no room for context, explanation, or interpretation. Legal documents must be translated exactly as they are written. [...]

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